Friday 19 December 2014

Over forty five doesn’t mean the sex has to stop!

At what point is a person considered too old to be having sex? More to the point, can a person of ‘a certain age’ show affection in public? As a woman in my forties I am used to the casual discrimination against my gender when you are no longer sweet sixteen and sexy! But having looked after myself I would say that I look every bit as good as a woman in her early thirties. I have had a nip and a tuck here and there but my hot body is mostly down to the hours I spend at the gym doing pelvic thrusts, knee jerks and sit ups! Looks aside, do young people really think that you get to forty and suddenly your sex drive disappears entirely? I am every bit as horny now as I ever was and the fact I am more experienced means that the lucky men who manage to seduce me get far more than they bargained for in the bedroom.
I’m not a cougar though I have had my fair share of relationships with younger men who appreciate what an older lady can do for them. In fact it seems to be the younger guys who do most of the chasing. I suppose older men are trying to get younger women into bed! Oh, the irony of it all. But it was a recent naughty liaison with a strapping young rugby player at a city centre hotel that got me thinking: if young guys dig what I have to offer then maybe I should think about becoming an escort. I mean, I enjoy meeting new and interesting people, I’m a confident woman, I am fit, friendly and ever so fun loving! So, why the hell would I not consider it? I hear that the money is good and obviously it would be an exciting and fulfilling occupation. I love making men happy and if I am being made happy in return then it just seems a win-win to me.  

But is there an age limit to being an escort? I don’t mean that there is a cut-off date. I mean, if a person has no experience as an escort? I ask because I don’t want to approach an escort agency and have them laugh in my face. Should I go for it?

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